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De: "Alfred E. Eckes" <mm-10402-3622459@bepress.com>
Para: "Sylvain Wickham" <boet.margaret@wanadoo.fr>, "Catherine De La Robertie" <catherine.sarlandie-de-la-robertie@univ-rennes1.fr>, "Didier Burgaud" <didier.burgaud@hewitt.com>, "Emmanuel Dupuy" <emmanuel.dupuy@noos.fr>, "Garcia Nunez Gonzalo Raul" <ggarcianunez@uni.edu.pe>, Général Lamballe <a.lamballe@free.fr>, Général Daniel Schaeffer <danielschaeffer@yahoo.fr>, "Jacques Ninet" <ninet@techfut.com>, Jacques Ténier <Jacques.Tenier@wanadoo.fr>, "Jean Coussy" <coussy.jeanetdenise@wanadoo.fr>, "Jean-Luc Chabot" <Jean-Luc.Chabot@upmf-grenoble.fr>, "Jean-Marc Daniel" <jmdaniel@escp-eap.net>, "Pablo Diaz" <pablo.diaz@sciencespo-rennes.fr>, "Patrice Jorland" <pljorland@hotmail.com>, "Paul Sindic" <Sindic@wanadoo.fr>, Philippe Béraud <philippe.beraud@telecom-bretagne.eu>, "Rolande Borrelly" <Rolande.Borrelly@u-grenoble3.fr>, Valérie Niquet <niquet.centreasie@ifri.org>, "Viviane Du Castel" <Viviane.du-castel-suel@iseg.fr>, "Xavier Crepin" <Xavier.Crepin@i-carre.net>
Enviado: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 14:05:24 +0100
Asunto: Global Economy Journal - new issue
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November 07, 2008 |
The Berkeley Electronic Press is pleased to announce the following new issue of Global Economy Journal. To view any of the articles in question, simply click on the links below: Economic Implications of Asian Integration Joseph F. Francois and Ganeshan Wignaraja
The Asymmetric Effect of Diffusion Processes: Risk Sharing and Contagion Mauro Gallegati, Bruce Greenwald, Matteo G. Richiardi, and Joseph E. Stiglitz
European Migration: Welfare Migration or Economic Migration? Thierry Warin and Pavel Svaton
The US Trade Deficit, the Decline of the WTO and the Rise of Regionalism Itai Agur
Nicolas J. Peridy and Javad Abedini
Zofia Maria Wysokinska What's New in Our World?The Inflexible Yuan and Global Imbalances Anthony J. Makin
From State to Foreign Ownership: The Banking Sector in Eastern and Central Europe Katherin Marton and Cornelia H. McCarthy
Most-Downloaded GEJ ArticleWith nearly 500 PDF downloads in 2008, "McDonald's - Much Maligned, But an Engine of Economic Development", by Adrian E. Tschoegl of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, is the most-downloaded article so far this year. Examining McDonald's internationalization and development abroad suggests that McDonald's and the others of its ilk are sources of development for mid-range countries. McDonald's brings training in management, encourages entrepreneurship directly through franchises and indirectly through demonstration effects, and has positive external effects on productivity and standards of service, cleanliness, and quality in the host economies. About this journalThe official peer-reviewed journal of the International Trade and Finance Association (IT&FA), Global Economy Journal is a well-established venue for peer-reviewed research on globalization and the institutions, laws, and agreements that structure the global economy, such as the WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank. Unlike most global economics journals, Global Economy Journal covers not only global business and economics, but also publishes important research that falls outside the scope of traditional economics-only titles, such as international law, IT and intellectual property, global marketing, immigration, and the social impact of globalization. Global Economy Journal is indexed in EconLit, IBSS, Intute, RePEc, Scopus, and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. | Edited by Jannett Highfill Alfred Eckes Concerned about the future of the economy? The latest issue of Capitalism and Society addresses the nature of capitalism in a changing world. |
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