SECCION Crisis monetaria: US/EURO, dolar vs otras monedas

Gráfico del tipo de cambio del Dólar Americano al Euro - Desde dic 1, 2008 a dic 31, 2008

Evolucion del dolar contra el euro

US Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate Graph - Jan 7, 2004 to Jan 5, 2009


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$67.85 ▲0.12   0.18%
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10 jul 2016

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26 feb 2016

How to Protect Your Wealth from Negative Interest Rates

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How to Protect Your Wealth from Negative Interest Rates
by Shah Gilani

Dear Wall Street Insights & Indictments Reader,

As I told you last week, the Federal Reserve is already planning to unleash an economic "nuclear option" on the U.S. markets... a Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP).

The negative reception NIRP is getting from a lot of economists, analysts, and ordinary Americans doesn't diminish the likelihood the Fed will resort to this disastrous policy if it sees an emergency on the horizon.

It doesn't matter that the Fed's ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and quantitative easing (QE) experiments inflated the stock market, undermined economic growth as corporations used ZIRP to buy back shares instead of investing in plants, equipment, and labor, juiced-up banks' balance sheets so they could pay dividends to pump up their shares, and forced other central banks to follow its insane policies.

That's what the Keynesian Frankenstein that we call the Fed does to create emergencies.

And, as sure as the next emergency's coming, so is NIRP.

But don't believe for a second NIRP's going to save us. It's not. It's going to hurt - a lot.

There are only a few ways to protect yourself from the NIRP monster, so listen up...

Here's what else I'm following...

Break This Rule for the Biggest Gains of Your Life
Would you be willing to break one rule to make some of the biggest gains of your life? I'm not talking about doing anything illegal. But I am talking about making a trade on some of the world's biggest (and most boring) Blue Chips for gains that can run from a few hundred percent to over 30 times the investment in exceptional cases. The best part is you don't even have to buy the stock. Go here.

Negative Interest Rates Are Coming... Here's What You Need to Know
The Federal Reserve is looking to tighten its grip on the American economy, but this "nuclear option" could bring about the end of free markets. Here's what the Fed wants you to believe, what's really going to happen, and how, if the Fed wins the battle it's about to wage, Americans will lose their war for economic freedom. Click here.

Why the Dollar's Weakness Is Only Temporary - and How You Can Profit
The dollar's shown a few signs of weakness lately, but according to Shah, that's merely a temporary setback. Find out why he thinks the dollar will resume its climb... and how you can profit as currencies around the world plummet. Click here now.

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25 ene 2016

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: January 25

January 25, 2016

Frontrunning: January 25

  • Oil Drops as Saudis to Maintain Spending, China Diesel Use Falls (Read More)
  • Saudi Arabia is able to withstand low prices says Saudi Aramco Chairman (Read More)
  • Recession Warnings May Not Come to Pass (Read More)... or they May
  • Stocks moving in tandem are squeezing short sellers (Read More)... as first noted here in 2013
  • Problems Found at Theranos Lab (Read More)
  • New York rebounds after blizzard, Washington shuts down government (Read More)
  • China business confidence, recruitment hit record lows in January - SMI survey (Read More)
  • Twitter to Revamp Leadership Under CEO Jack Dorsey (Read More)
  • Johnson Controls to Combine With Tyco, Move Domicile to Ireland (Read More)
  • Birinyi More Worried About Markets Than Any Time Since 2009 (Read More)
  • Ad: Gold in your portfolio: get a free investing guide - Secular investors should start turning their attention to commodities and precious metals. Gold's bull market is far from over. In this gold guide we explain why we believe so, and which indicators to follow to detect the next secular breakout. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • Wal-Mart: It Came, It Conquered, Now It's Packing Up and Leaving (Read More)
  • Sanders, Clinton cool to Bloomberg's possible entry into 2016 race (Read More)
  • Ford Shutting Operations in Japan, Indonesia on Lack of Profit (Read More)
  • China's Working-Age Population Sees Biggest-Ever Decline (Read More)
  • More holes than fingers? Beijing struggles to plug capital flight (Read More)
  • Chinese Developer Aims Lower Amid Manhattan's Luxury-Condo Glut (Read More)
  • Merkel's party, sliding in polls, weighs German 'border centres' (Read More)
  • German Business Sentiment Falls as Market Woes Cloud Outlook (Read More)
  • Syria opposition to meet Tuesday, blames Russia for 'obstacles' (Read More)
  • U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels (Read More)
  • U.S. IPO Market on Track for Slowest Month Since Recession (Read More)
  • Ad: Trades Of The Day -- #1 FREE Trading Newsletter - Get timely trades from the world's best stock traders... delivered daily and in just ONE email. No penny stock scams or pump and dumps: these are legitimate trade recs from trusted experts. Act now to get 'Trades of the Day' for no cost whatsoever. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • Canada's Trudeau to DiCaprio: Your climate remarks  .

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Zero Hedge, P.O. Box 567, Midtown Station, New York 10018

4 ene 2016

usa:recesion industry

china:cierre de bolsa y mercados anticipado

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: January 04

January 04, 2016

Frontrunning: January 04

  • China stocks tank, triggers circuit breaker (Read More)
  • Stocks Slump Across Europe and Asia Following Shanghai's 7% Crash (Read More)
  • China Halts Stock Trading After 7% Rout Triggers Circuit Breaker (Read More)
  • Iran says Riyadh thrives on tension after relations cut (Read More)
  • Saudis and Bahrain Face Off With Iran in Worst Clash Since 1980s (Read More)
  • Syrian rebel group backs Saudi move to cut ties with Iran (Read More)
  • Iraqi Sunni mosques attacked in apparent retaliation for Saudi execution (Read More)
  • Southern Illinois battles flooding as Mississippi River builds downstream (Read More)
  • Ad: Trades Of The Day -- #1 FREE Trading Newsletter - Get timely trades from the world's best stock traders... delivered daily and in just ONE email. No penny stock scams or pump and dumps: these are legitimate trade recs from trusted experts. Act now to get 'Trades of the Day' for no cost whatsoever. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • Biggest Economies Face $7 Trillion Debt Refinancing Tab in 2016 (Read More)
  • China's Seven-Minute Selling Frenzy Shows Circuit-Breaker Risks (Read More)
  • Angola's Kwanza Falls Most Since 2001 to Record in Devaluation (Read More)
  • Bill Clinton Set to Step Back Into Campaign Spotlight (Read More)
  • Obama's gun control options each have legal pitfalls (Read More)
  • Obama to Hold Town Hall Meeting on Gun Violence (Read More)
  • Why Buffett's 50th Anniversary Was a Dud for Investors: 4 Charts (Read More)
  • Brazil Analysts Ring in New Year With Deeper Recession Forecast (Read More)
  • Ukrainians' Life Ratings Sank to New Lows in 2015 (Read More)

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: January 04

January 04, 2016

Frontrunning: January 04

  • China stocks tank, triggers circuit breaker (Read More)
  • Stocks Slump Across Europe and Asia Following Shanghai's 7% Crash (Read More)
  • China Halts Stock Trading After 7% Rout Triggers Circuit Breaker (Read More)
  • Iran says Riyadh thrives on tension after relations cut (Read More)
  • Saudis and Bahrain Face Off With Iran in Worst Clash Since 1980s (Read More)
  • Syrian rebel group backs Saudi move to cut ties with Iran (Read More)
  • Iraqi Sunni mosques attacked in apparent retaliation for Saudi execution (Read More)
  • Southern Illinois battles flooding as Mississippi River builds downstream (Read More)
  • Ad: Trades Of The Day -- #1 FREE Trading Newsletter - Get timely trades from the world's best stock traders... delivered daily and in just ONE email. No penny stock scams or pump and dumps: these are legitimate trade recs from trusted experts. Act now to get 'Trades of the Day' for no cost whatsoever. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • Biggest Economies Face $7 Trillion Debt Refinancing Tab in 2016 (Read More)
  • China's Seven-Minute Selling Frenzy Shows Circuit-Breaker Risks (Read More)
  • Angola's Kwanza Falls Most Since 2001 to Record in Devaluation (Read More)
  • Bill Clinton Set to Step Back Into Campaign Spotlight (Read More)
  • Obama's gun control options each have legal pitfalls (Read More)
  • Obama to Hold Town Hall Meeting on Gun Violence (Read More)
  • Why Buffett's 50th Anniversary Was a Dud for Investors: 4 Charts (Read More)
  • Brazil Analysts Ring in New Year With Deeper Recession Forecast (Read More)
  • Ukrainians' Life Ratings Sank to New Lows in 2015 (Read More)
  • Ad: Gold in your portfolio: get a free investing guide - Secular investors should start turning their attention to commodities and precious metals. Gold's bull market is far from over. In this gold guide we explain why we believe so, and which indicators to follow to detect the next secular breakout. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • Fidelity drops credit card partners American Express, Bank of America (Read More)

china_cae bolsa en primer dia del año

28 dic 2015

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: December 28

December 28, 2015

Frontrunning: December 28

  • The Year Nothing Worked: Stocks, Bonds, Cash Go Nowhere (Read More)
  • Oil falls toward $37, near 11-year low, as excess supply weighs (Read More)
  • End of easy money for mini-refiners splitting U.S. shale? (Read More)
  • Shale's Running Out of Survival Tricks as OPEC Ramps Up Pressure (Read More)
  • 'Safe' Puerto Rican Debt Stirs Worries (Read More)
  • These Will Be Wall Street's Most In-Demand Jobs Next Year (Read More)
  • 'Star Wars' Becomes Fastest to Pass $1 Billion at Box Office (Read More)
  • The Hustlers at Scores (Read More)
  • Ad: Free: Zacks Rank #1 Bull Stock of the Day - Since 1988, Zacks Strong Buys have nearly tripled the market with an independently verified average gain of +26% per year. Check the box to see the next hand-picked #1 stock free. No obligation to buy anything now or ever. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • China's Gold Imports Fall for Second Month Before Rate Increase (Read More)
  • China Telecom Head Detained by Country's Antigraft Regulator (Read More)
  • Goldman, JPMorgan Seen as Fintech Winners While AmEx Suffers (Read More)
  • At Theranos, Many Strategies and Snags (Read More)
  • More prudent use of VC capital: startup gives departing employees $10,000 (Read More)
  • Why Weak Currencies Have a Smaller Effect on Exports (Read More)
  • China Broadens Campaign Against Terrorism With Sweeping New Law (Read More)
  • Saudi Arabia Set to Announce 2016 Budget Amid Oil Plunge (Read More)
  • Rousseff Future on Hold as Brazilians Take Break From Crisis (Read More)
  • Ad: Top 10 Blue Chip Stocks for 2016 - Louis Navellier just completed his latest analysis on more than 5,000 stocks and 10 rose to the top of the list. 10 top-notch stocks that are his top picks for double-or triple-digit gains in 2016. The full list-every name, every buy price, every detail you need to act today-is available FREE. Download your copy now. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • Bankers, Bulls, Activists: The People of Finance to Watch in 2016 (Read More)

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Zero Hedge, P.O. Box 567, Midtown Station, New York 10018

CHINA: caen bolsas chinas

15 nov 2015

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: November 13

November 13, 2015

Frontrunning: November 13

  • European shares hammered after commodity rout (Read More)
  • Euro-Area Growth Misses Estimates as ECB Ponders More Stimulus (Read More)
  • Slower-than-expected euro zone growth likely to seal more ECB stimulus (Read More)
  • China Doubles Margin Requirement for Stocks to Curb Leverage (Read More)
  • IEA Says Record 3 Billion-Barrel Oil Stocks May Weaken Prices (Read More)
  • GM to Import Chinese-Made Buick SUV (Read More)
  • China's Troubled Credit Swells to Sweden-Sized $628 Billion (Read More)
  • LoanDepot Postpones IPO (Read More)
  • Volkswagen, Offering Amnesty, Asks Workers to Come Forward on Emissions Cheating (Read More)
  • Ad: 6 Stocks to Hold Forever - Perfect for retirees and pre-retirees alike, these 6 dividend-paying stocks will ensure income checks arrive like clockwork. Year after year. No matter how the stock market is performing. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • China apparent steel consumption falls 5.7 percent from January-October (Read More)
  • Sweden checks trains for migrants in first border controls in 20 years (Read More)
  • Secretive, Sprawling Network of 'Scouts' Spreads Money Through Silicon Valley (Read More)
  • Fed's Fischer Says Waiting to Raise Helped Offset Dollar Harm (Read More)
  • Warren Buffett Has an Image Problem (Read More)
  • Deputy head of China securities regulator probed for graft (Read More)
  • Syngenta Shares Rise on Report of Chinese Takeover Interest (Read More)
  • Is Wall Street Beneath Business Students' Standards? (Read More)
  • Frontline terminates long term charter for tanker Mindanao (Read More)
  • El Nino Might Not Save Us From Another Miserable Winter (Read More)
  • Special Report: Trump's art of the deal - Dispute your bills (Read More)
  • Ad: Free: Zacks Rank #1 Bull Stock of the Day - Since 1988, Zacks Strong Buys have nearly tripled the market with an independently verified average gain of +26% per year. Check the box to see the next hand-picked #1 stock free. No obligation to buy anything now or ever. (Click Here to Automatically Subscribe)
  • What to Watch for at the G-20 Summit (Read More)

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Zero Hedge, P.O. Box 567, Midtown Station, New York 10018

recesion 2015

10 sept 2015

Fwd: Reservas Internacionales Netas suben a US$ 61 255 millones, su nivel máximo en los últimos cuatro meses

cel: 999067340

The 4 Key Cycles That Drive Our Economy Are All Pointing Down

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Economy & Markets

The 4 Key Cycles That Drive Our
Economy Are All Pointing Down

Dear Subscriber,
I'm best known for my research on how demographic trends impact our economy. But before I discovered the power of demographics, back in the '80s, I was a cycles guy.

In fact, it was my finding that the spending of new generations was the most important cycle in modern times that made me a believer.

The first cycle I studied in the early 1980s was the Kondratieff Wave. Let's call it the K-Wave today for simplicity's sake.

In 1925, Russian economist Nikolai Kondratiev, published details about a cycle he'd found in prices. Economies experience a cyclical pattern of inflation and deflation that repeats every 50 to 60 years.

Kondratiev found that there were two periods of boom and bust.

What You Need to Know About the Safe-Asset Slaughter!

You're not going to believe what's on the horizon…

The final bubble of the recent financial crisis is about to burst. When it pops — it could be as soon as November 2014 — millions of Americans will be financially devastated… But others will have the opportunity to get much richer.

This controversial video reveals how you can end up on the winning side of the coming carnage... Click here for the full story.

This is now the basis for my 80-Year Four Season Economic Cycle, which breaks down into a…
  • Spring boom with modestly rising inflation.
  • A summer bust with a peak in inflation.
  • A fall boom with falling inflation.
  • And a winter bust with deflation.
It looks like this…
But you'll notice that my cycle is 20 to 30 years longer than Kondratiev's…
That's because I incorporated demographics into my research, calculations, and observations.
I discovered the Spending Wave in 1988. It showed me that new generations peak in spending at age 46. This in turn allowed me to see the great downturn in Japan in 1990… no one else saw it coming.
A year later I discovered the relationship between inflation and workforce growth, what I call The Inflation Indicator. I can project when young people will enter the workforce and when the older people will retire.
This was a big insight because young people cause inflation. They cost everything to educate, train and integrate into the workforce, and produce nothing while that happens.
Only once they're truly productive members of the workforce do they drive forward their Spending Wave.
The combination of inflation and boom/bust trends allowed me to re-invent the K-wave in demographic and more predictable terms. And so my 80-Year Four Season Economic Cycle was born.
Using all the traditional cycles, many very good forecasters predicted a depression in the 1990s. I disagreed because demographic trends and my new economic cycle told me the baby boom would see its strongest spending surge during that decade. Instead, I saw us reaching the fall bubble boom peak in 2007, after which we'd suffer through the winter season from 2008 to around 2023.
My cycles worked almost perfectly through the 1990s.
I nailed the Japanese collapse forecast… the bubble burst prediction… and the housing bubble peak in late 2005.
Then something changed.
I forecast the stock crash and downturn in early 2000, but it was deeper than I expected.
I forecast the upturn in early October of 2002, but it was not as bubbly as I expected when comparing it to the Roaring 20s on this 80-year cycle.
When something happens that I don't expect, I dig deeper and look for answers.
So I began hunting for what was different in the Roaring 20s boom versus the Roaring 2000s. And In early 2006, I discovered two new powerful cycles:
1) The 36-year Geopolitical Cycle.
2) The 30-Year Commodity Cycle.
These two cycles explained why we saw the Dow merely double from 2002 to 2007 rather than quadruple as I'd expected.
Commodity prices were down and favorable in the 1920s, but up and unfavorable in the 2000s. The geopolitical environment or risk was very favorable in the 1920s, but very unfavorable from 2001 forward.
The Geopolitical Cycle alternates from favorable to unfavorable every 18 years. For example, the cycle turned unfavorable in 2001 (and will continue downward through 2019). The tech wreck intensified in 2001 and then we got 9/11. The world has been a mess ever since.
And the Commodity Cycle peaks every 29 to 30 years. This cycle most impacts emerging countries that tend to be big commodity exporters… and is the reason emerging markets have been tanking as it moves down.
I have been damn near crucified for over-predicting the Dow in the late 2002 to late 2007 boom. But we had our subscribers invested and I got two valuable new cycles out of that miscalculation.
What a deal that was!
But there is another important cycle I discovered in early 2013...
I had been using a Decennial boom/bust cycle from Ned Davis. He averaged the stock market over the last century and found that the first two or three years of every decade tended to see the worst stock crashes and downturns. When that and the four-year Presidential cycle collided, it was a slam dunk for a 20%+ stock crash and a recession.
The next such cycle would have been 2010 to 2012, especially 2010. That's when I most expected the next major stock crash to start. Then an article in Barrons forced me to reconsider a cycle I'd heard years earlier: sunspot cycles.
I had dismissed this before because it was called an 11-year cycle and I saw no correlations on that time frame. I went back and found that in the last century, it has averaged 10 years, just as Ned Davis found. But it ranged from nine to 13 years.
The last cycle was unusually long and now it points down later, between early 2015 and late 2019. Almost all major crashes and recessions back to the 1800s have occurred in this down cycle.
The sunspot cycle is now the second most important cycle I've discovered, and is the key trigger for crashes when my other key cycles are pointing down. Almost no one knows about this and that makes it a secret weapon for me and you, my subscribers.
To make a long story short: all four of these key cycles — my Four Year Economic Cycle, the Commodity Cycle, the Geopolitical Cycle, and the Sunspot Cycle — point down together between 2014 and 2019.
This is the first time since the early 1930s that this has happened. And we all know about the Great Depression.
Be warned!
The next major crash is very likely to start between late March and late September.

P.S. I discuss these cycles and what they're warning in much greater detail in my book, The Demographic Cliff. This is information you need before the crash. Get in line for a free copy here.
Follow me on Twitter @HarryDentjr
Harry S. Dent JR.
Senior Editor,
Economy & Markets


A Revolution is Coming 
If you're rich, protect your gains now before Rome falls.
Bet Your Bottom Dollar 
Trash-talk it all you want, but...
The Power of the S-Curve
Curves can be intriguing…and powerful…
Deleveraging? What Deleveraging?
Backing us up with the most comprehensive and global analysis we've seen yet.
Market Will Make Big Moves Ahead
Is it going to be up or down?

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NR.: Director, no presidente ---------------------------------------------- Bruno Seminario 1 ------------------------- Bruno Seminario 2 -------------------- FELIX JIMENEZ 1 FELIZ JIMENEZ 2 FELIX JIMENEZ 3, 28 MAYO OSCAR DANCOURT,ex presidente BCR ------------------- Waldo Mendoza, Decano PUCP economia ---------------------- Ingeniero Rafael Vasquez, parlamentario 24 set recordando la crisis, ver entrevista en diario


Peru:crisis impacto regional arequipa,raul mauro


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